Tricalcium Phosphate: Facts and examples for animal feed?
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Tricalcium Phosphate: Facts and examples for animal feed?

Pubblica Time: 2020-01-24     Origine: motorizzato

Tricalcium phosphate is the most common calcium-phosphorus additive used in animal husbandry practice in many countries. Tricalcium phosphate and now considered the most common "feed phosphates." So what are there the other facts about the Tricalcium phosphate,  let’s take a look and see.


The following knowledge points are listed below:

Ø Benefits of feeding phosphates in animal nutrition

Ø The use of tricalcium phosphate in animal feed

Ø The advantage of tricalcium phosphate over other mineral sources of phosphorus

Ø Example:tricalcium phosphate in compound feed chickens


1. Benefits of feeding phosphates in animal nutrition

As study shows, daily use of feed phosphates in animal nutrition contributes to:

  • Normalization of mineral metabolism;

  • Increased productivity;

  • Reduction of the fattening period;

  • Obtain healthy offspring (reduces the incidence of animals);

  • The preservation of young animals and the prevention of rickets;

  • Improving the nutritional value of meat, milk;

  • Reduction of feed consumption and, ultimately, increase farm yields (and lower the cost of livestock production).

It mineralizes the bones of animals and birds within a physiological range and penetrates into the muscles of animals and birds, producing a large amount of crude protein, or 22.9% of the original water. When tricalcium phosphate was used, feed costs were reduced by 1 kg and weight increased by 4%, increasing the average increase in phosphate feed: milk production increased by 8-12%; calf yields increased by 8-12%; pigs by 8-12%; wool caught in sheep by 5-9%; and phosphate content in laying hens 10-15% diets depended on type, age, weight and animal growth.


2. The use of tricalcium phosphate in animal feed

It is well known in Modern science that the most important factors in animal mineral nutrition are the two main elements - calcium and phosphorus. The source of calcium in animal feed is abundant and it is a common mineral natural resource in many parts of the country. Addressing animal phosphorus was, and still is, the most difficult problem. This is because the macro element has no fossil origin. a small amount of phosphorus feed. Now in the world, monocalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, and tricalcium phosphate are widely used.


3. The advantage of tricalcium phosphate over other mineral sources of phosphorus

Tricalcium phosphate has the highest phosphate digestibility among other calcium and phosphorus, the lowest concentrations of heavy metals and harmful elements, and high concentrations of absorbable forms of elements.


It is well known that tricalcium phosphate contains 93% soluble phosphorus in 2% citric acid, and the concentration of this form of defluorinated phosphate rarely exceeds 78%. Generally, monophosphate and dicalcium phosphate  are more preceding than tricalcium phosphate, but they are much more expensive and are used just slightly more effectively than tricalcium phosphate.


Meanwhile, tricalcium phosphate are more readily absorbed by livestock feed than other kind of phosphorus. For example, Comparing to the grain, the rate of the phosphorus element being digested and absorbed by the livstock is about 17 - 23%, the tricalcium phosphate will have 90% of its initial phosphorus element to be absorbed. And also among all the types of phosphorus, tricalcium phosphate is considered to be the most digestible, it is suitable for a variety of farm animals and most people of age and sex. In daily farming, tricalcium phosphate is usually fed to the cow at 100 grams per day.


4. Example:tricalcium phosphate in compound feed chickens

In Russia, birds first began to use phosphates feed in the form of tricalcium phosphate feed. the chemical composition of dietary tricalcium phosphate was 93% for tricalcium phosphate,5% for calcium silicate and magnesium, and 2% for unmebrated apatite.


For a conclusion, tricalcium phosphate is widely used in animal feeding, and has its advantage over other type of phosphorus.

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